Into the Universe

Day March 23, 2024 
This is my blog for the school's science fare.

    This is one of the fun experiences I had in Asian College of Technology, it includes a globe where it takes us to a trip to the galaxy / outer space. It also had projects of how energy is being made, producing electricity with basic things we see. These don't seem much, but they contain many information's, and I will tell you some of them and fun facts. 

    They showed us the stars and what's beyond our human eyes, there are a total of 100 billion stars out there!! crazy right. I was also informed that some stars we see actually form zodiac signs, and that there aren't only 12 zodiac signs but 13 since there is a hidden one.

    But not only that, but some stars are also shaped like animals, sea creatures and humans. I find it confusing yet amazed that astronauts have a way to communicate from space to earth, they use a deep space network, which is a big radio antenna. They use communication to keep the people on earth updated for new information from out of space. To communicate they also use radio waves which was one of our topics in science.

    I learned that there are ways to produce energy, from the commonly known solar power, to using wind, and then using a bike. The energy being produced by wind is called kinetic energy this is because it can create energy by using wind power. The bicycle can also be a kinetic energy due to the rotational motion of the wheel. Lastly is the nuclear fusion where hydrogen atoms in the sun combine to form helium creating energy, code name solar power.

    All in all, it was a fun and educational experience. Not only have i learned new and more information's but I also got to try the projects they have shown us. I also had fun with the electric box buzzing everyone we held hands with, and that part where there were meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites. I never thought I would see one in person not until now.

always remember there is,
"So much universe, and so little time."
-Terry Pratchett


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